Finally, a breakthrough.

Yesterday, was the first day at my new job.

It’s only taken 7 months, hundreds of applications, quite a few phone and in person interviews, but finally, a job. No more, “You’re overqualified” or “Sorry, you just don’t have all the qualifications.” No more, “Well, we need someone that can work mornings, all the high school kids work the afternoons and evenings.” And finally, no more “Well, you just aren’t the kind of person we’re looking for.”

I hate rejections, but as much as I hate rejections, the lack of responses from people, get to be a bit mind blowing. Out of all the interviews I had, less than half told me somethingI’d prefer a rejection, over not knowing at all. 

Finally, a place to work, and hopefully stay with for awhile. It’s back in retail, in a mall. Both of these are places I swore I’d never go back to after escaping.

This is the Universe, laughing at me.

However, I was good at retail, before I left for an engineering firm. I loved going into work and making people smile, getting them things they needed, and just things they wanted. Seeing people walk out ecstatic over something as small as a necklace, would, and still does, make my day… maybe, just maybe, I belong in retail. 

The Badge

Without thanks to my darling sister, I wouldn’t have even landed this job. So, thanks little sister.